Phone Review: Motorola Moto G (Second Generation)

After over three years with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 - or may I call it "TIM" ? - I have finally moved on to a new phone. The Note was a good phone, for the first year, before things started to go awry. Some of the problems were my fault (such as upgrading the operating system to various versions , none of which worked well on the hardware), some of the problems were Samsung's fault (such as low-quality hardware), and some of the problems were Android's fault (darn Google for releasing so many versions, leaving my Note in the dust!) Despite the good times I shared with the Note, it finally gave up the ghost when the charging port refused to accept the cable. I was going to send it for repair (again) but when I realized my 3-year-old daughter had learned the phrase "stupid phone" from me, I knew that enough was enough. The Note cost a pretty penny, and a pretty penny I don't have to replace it with something of equal standing in the current phone rank...