
Showing posts from May, 2018

Episode 34: You're Fired!

When you work for someone else, you never really know if when you get to work, the boss will call you into his office and tell you that you’re being let go. It can happen to anyone. Here are some of your stories about being fired. Click here for an article about the side effects of being fired from your job. Click here to listen on Stitcher: Click here to listen on iTunes: Click here to listen on TuneIn: Or play the episode directly from here: Yossi's Magazine: Everyone Needs One of These Follow on Twitter: @ykarp Follow on Google+: +Yossi Karp Subscribe to Y. Karp? Why Not! or follow on Facebook Add this blog to your RSS feed reader

Episode 33: The Google Duplex Fallout

The unveiling of Google’s Duplex technology at Google I/O last week was so amazing and so controversial, I can’t stop thinking about it. Here's my take and how it might affect you. Click here to listen on Stitcher: Click here to listen on iTunes: Click here to listen on TuneIn: Or play the episode directly from here: Yossi's Magazine: Everyone Needs One of These Follow on Twitter: @ykarp Follow on Google+: +Yossi Karp Subscribe to Y. Karp? Why Not! or follow on Facebook Add this blog to your RSS feed reader

Audience Contribution Time: You're Fired!

New guy, around 20 years old or so, called in sick saying he thinks he had a stroke. Since he lived across the street from the store where we worked, we all then stood and watched through the store's glass door as he packed up his truck with beach gear and drove off with his girlfriend. Fired the next day. - From I’m putting together a podcast episode about firing people and being fired and I would love it if you would share your interesting, funny, or even sad story about when you fired someone or when you were fired. Here are a few options for how you can contribute your story: On Facebook Messenger, search for @ykarpwhynot and send a voice message (tap the microphone icon in a new message). Record a voice message using whatever app you like and send it either through Facebook messenger or by email to . If you are not comfortable recording it, or if you can’t manage to send a recording to me for whatever reason, send me an email to whynot...

Episode 32: We Have Your Personally Identifying Information

Hacking attempts occur all the time. Are you protecting your customer's personal information? Does your business comply with GDPR? As a consumer, how do you minimize the risk of long-term damage caused by data breaches? Some interesting links about cybersecurity and GDPR: EU GDPR Portal Major data breaches and hacks Google Search: How to protect yourself from data breaches Click here to listen on Stitcher: Click here to listen on iTunes: Click here to listen on TuneIn: Or play the episode directly from here: Yossi's Magazine: Everyone Needs One of These Follow on Twitter:  @ykarp Follow on Google+:  +Yossi Karp Subscribe to Y. Karp? Why Not! or follow on Facebook Add this blog to your  RSS  feed reader