
Showing posts from July, 2011

I Want a Tablet

Despite an almost overwhelming desire to buy one of these shiny new geeky toys, I don't think I am going to get one. The following is a conversation I had with myself today. I want a tablet computer. But they are too expensive. But you can read books on them. Buy a novel. But tablets are the future of computing. If they are the future of computing, wait until the future! But why wait? They are always coming out with new models, so that means I'll never get one. Although, in terms of bang-for-buck, you don't really get very much. But then, what do I use the home computer for, anyway - email, internet, Facebook, Twitter, internet banking and a few games - so why not? I'll tell you why not: For the same price or less you can get a netbook or low-powered notebook that will last longer, possibly even play optical media, has a better selection of ports, and supports your EWI USB electronic saxophone. Yeah, but I don't like using email, Facebook and Twitter on ...