I Want a Tablet
Despite an almost overwhelming desire to buy one of these shiny new geeky toys, I don't think I am going to get one. The following is a conversation I had with myself today.
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- I want a tablet computer.
- But they are too expensive.
- But you can read books on them.
- Buy a novel.
- But tablets are the future of computing.
- If they are the future of computing, wait until the future!
- But why wait? They are always coming out with new models, so that means I'll never get one.
- Although, in terms of bang-for-buck, you don't really get very much.
- But then, what do I use the home computer for, anyway - email, internet, Facebook, Twitter, internet banking and a few games - so why not?
- I'll tell you why not: For the same price or less you can get a netbook or low-powered notebook that will last longer, possibly even play optical media, has a better selection of ports, and supports your EWI USB electronic saxophone.
- Yeah, but I don't like using email, Facebook and Twitter on a shared computer.
- So be a man, log-out when you're done!
- But it would be so great to be able to sit at the table, have a coffee and read the news from a tablet, instead of sitting in front of a computer to do the same thing.
- So get a newspaper subscription.
- That's so 1880s. In any case, the tablet form-factor is so appealing - they start up almost instantly and can be taken anywhere.
- Yeah, but which one would you get? There are so many options - iPad, Android, WebOS, Blackberry Tablet OS - and what about screen size, resolution, battery life, weight, apps, 3G, 4G, W-Fi and all that jazz - you are bound to make the wrong choice.
- What, so just because there's a choice I can't bring myself to make an informed decision? Of course I can - and I'll live with whatever choice I make.
- But it will be outdated within a few months.
- So iPad 1.0 owners should just toss their devices because iPad 2.0 came out? Seriously?
- You'll become an Internet junkie - you wouldn't be able to put the thing down.
- Yeah I know, but it's a small price to pay...
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