25 Computer Terms to Substitute for Real Words

Be geeky - substitute these 25 computer terms for what you really want to say.

Computer Term Real Meaning
1 Low disk space Slow down! You're giving me too much information.
2 Battery is running low I'm going to bed.
3 This device can perform faster I'm lazy and I know it.
4 Pairing devicesI'm getting married.
5 File type mismatchI'm getting divorced.
6 This program has stopped respondingI'm no longer listening to you.
7 Unexpected catastrophic failureOh crap.
8 Driver requiredCan someone please take me to the mall?
9 Windows needs to restartI need a vacation.
10 Illegal operationI just did something naughty.
11 Printer offlineMy pen ran out of ink.
12 Save as draftI'll finish it tomorrow.
13 LoadingI'm getting dressed, just hold on a minute.
14 Defragmenting drive CI'm tidying up the house.
15 UndoForget what I just said.
16 RedoSay that again.
17 3 minutes remainingI'll be finished when I'm finished.
18 Touch device not detectedGet your hands off me.
19 Not enough memory to perform operationI've already forgotten the first part of your instructions.
20 Insert mediaI'm hungry.
21 Syntax errorI haven't a clue what you're saying.
22 Bad command or file nameI won't do it until you say "please".
23 Error 404 file not foundI've moved and didn't leave a forwarding address.
24 Performing system dumpI'm going to the bathroom.
25 This program has encountered a problem
and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
I can't deal with this. Go away.

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