It's Business Time

The New Zealand duo, Flight of the Conchords, sing a hilarious song called "Business Time" about an awkward husband in the mood for love when his wife is more interested in sorting the recycling and going to sleep.
You know when I'm down to my socks its time for business.
That's why they're called business socks.
But that's beside the point.

Really, though, it's business time because for the last few months, my wife and I have been working on getting our new business up and running. Finally, last week, our website,, went live and we are open for business. Yes, folks, it's business time.

As you can probably imagine, the whole process has been a huge learning experience.

www.stringbridgekids.comWe learned to revel in the small victories, like finding office space that is almost perfect, to bigger victories, like convincing suppliers to sell us stuff, to even bigger victories, like finally getting our website up and running. We do a lot of high-fiving in the office.

We've also had disappointments, like time and cost overruns that have slowed us down, and incorrect deliveries that put us behind schedule.

However, now that the preparation is out of the way, it's time to get down to the nuts and bolts - selling product and making money. After all, that's why we're doing this, right?

So hop on over to and take a look at our amazing Jewish craft subscription box for kids. Your kids (or grand-kids, or friend's kids) will love the stamping, gluing, cutting, and creating as they learn about the Jewish months, festivals, and places of interest in Israel.

Oh, and visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

Yossi's Magazine: Everyone Needs One of These
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