Living Life on the Cutting Edge

This is Part 1 of a 2-part blog.

Tech journalists get to play with all the new toys as they come to market or, if they go to the right bars, much before they come to market. How cool is it that as a tech journalist, you are invited to all the big events where brand new, ground-breaking technologies are announced? Tech journalists even get free stuff - for review, of course. What could beat that?

Technical writing.

As writers, we embed ourselves in companies that make the cool gadgets and amazing software. Game-changing ideas take form before our eyes. We are in the picture from kickoff through delivery.

You might think that the engineers get all the fun, after all, they are the ones creating the innovations, actually putting the thing together that will change the world. But you'd be wrong. Engineers do have an awesome job as they bring the concept to release, but when was the last time an engineer was an integral part of the entire process? Product development usually involves many engineers with different skills working on its different parts before the product is market ready.

Conversely, Technical Writers play a part in development at every stage, from requirements and specifications documentation to GUI and UX to installation and user guides to maintenance documents, upgrade guides, release notes, training materials, and so on. The really lucky writers are also involved in sales, marketing, and business development documentation.

There is no other position in a company that can potentially give one person a more comprehensive, hands-on role in bringing brand new tech to the world.

So if you love living on the cutting edge, if you are thrilled by the innovative process, if being at the forefront of technology is your thing, there's no better vantage point than the Technical Writer's desk.

Here's Part 2 - it will knock your socks off!

Yossi's Magazine: Everyone Needs One of These
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