Everybody Needs a Doomsday Device

Let me make this clear, it is best not to keep personal stuff on a work computer. But sometimes it is unavoidable and there might be a time when you need to get rid of it all, fast. If so, you need my Doomsday Device, a batch file that will quickly delete all personal information from your computer. WARNING: The Doomsday Device is irreversible. Deleted files and directories cannot be retrieved. Okay, files and directories can be retrieved, but not in the conventional way , unless you have backups, which will also need to be deleted. Here's the Doomsday Device code. Copy and paste it into a text file, change the paths, as necessary, and save it in an easily accessible location as Doomsday.bat . See below the code for an explanation of how it works. @echo off COLOR 0A echo DOOMSDAY DEVICE! echo. echo.DELETE ALL PERSONAL DATA FROM THIS COMPUTER. echo. echo. @echo off :getConfirmation set /p confirmDeploy=Are you sure you want to deploy the Doomsday Device? ...