My Phone Has a Nicotine Addiction

In March 2012 I wrote about my brand new Samsung Galaxy Note. How happy we were together - surfing, texting, Skyping, even making phone calls.

Then, in July 2012 I raved about how the Galaxy Note has changed my online life - email, Flipboard, contacts, camera, and books.

In May 2013 I went on about how simple it was to upgrade from Gingerbread to Jelly Bean, and how everything works really well.

Oh, those halcyon days. Sunny afternoons, just me and my phone prancing through the tall grass, swinging on an old tire from a tree atop a picturesque hill, downloading apps and slicing fruit like a ninja.

Are those days gone? Are they merely memories of a bygone era? My phone is now one year and 7 months old (that's about 82 in smart-phone years). It has, I am sad to say, developed a smoking problem. Last Wednesday I plugged in my phone to recharge and smoke puffed out of the connector. There was a burning smell.

The Galaxy Note will undergo exploratory surgery today. Perhaps they will be able to fix the problem on the spot. Alas, if it is the board, I'm afraid that my good old friend is done for. Let's hope a new USB connector and a nicotine patch will be all that's needed.

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  1. Can you send me Hebrew name and name of mother, and I'll say a Mishabarach


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