Podcast Episode 4: I Gave My Kid a Funny Haircut on Purpose

When I was growing up, my grandfather used to cut my hair. I had no concept of fashion or style, of course, but I’m sure he did a good job of it. At least for a while when I was a kid, my grandfather used to cut my hair and it was alright for me. So when my boys were born and needed haircuts, I had no trouble getting out the electric hair trimmer and cutting their hair.
A special long-form edition of the Y. Karp? Why Not! Podcast is going live this coming Tuesday, featuring my interview with author, Shaul Behr. We talk about his new novel and the trials and tribulations of editing and publishing a book.

It’s a fascinating discussion with loads of stories, laughs, and great hints and tips. So stay tuned for this extra special episode with author Shaul Behr coming to you on Tuesday, October 24 on iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, and on www.ykarp.com.
Click here to listen on Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=152797&refid=stpr
Click here to listen on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/il/podcast/y-karp-why-not/id1291793305
Click here to listen on TuneIn: https://tunein.com/radio/Y-Karp-Why-Not-p1038454/

Or play the podcast directly from here:

Yossi's Magazine: Everyone Needs One of These www.ykarp.com/magazine
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